Better sleep with Chiropractic
One in four people say they don’t get enough sleep. About one person out of 10 say they experience chronic insomnia. According to the National Institutes of Health, the lack of sleep may be related to neurological conditions or from emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress syndrome. Of particular interest to chiropractors is that difficulty sleeping could be caused from arthritis, asthma, headaches, hyperthyroidism, gastrointestinal disorders or maybe menopause.
An article was written for Time magazine, by Christine Gorman. Ms. Gorman reports that sleep deprivation is responsible for slower reactivity times and poor memory. She also wrote that after about 20 hours without sleep, a person’s reaction times are similar to those with a 0.08 blood- alcohol level, making it significantly more dangerous to operate a motor vehicle.
Sleep deprivation has been linked to obesity. That is because subjects exposed to two consecutive nights with less than four hours of sleep, results in a perceptive shift in hunger. So, if a lack of sleep is starting to affect your concentration, memory or mood, you may have a sleeping problem.
In a study of 221 chiropractic patients, a whopping 98 percent recorded improved results with chiropractic versus those whose sleep patterns did not get better. If you do not want to have to take pills to improve your sleep, make your next step an appointment with your chiropractor.