Small diet tweaks can help your heart and overall health
Diet plays a huge role in the health of your heart. Yet for many people, healthy eating is a challenge. Perhaps the biggest problem is the easy access to cheap, highly processed, unhealthy junk food. But conflicting and confusing nutrition advice from popular books, blogs, and other sources is a close second. And chances are your doctor has neither the time nor the training to give you sound nutrition advice.
“People also think that changing their diet requires a major overhaul,” says Dr. JoAnn Manson, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “But the reality is that a few small changes can go a long way toward improving your eating habits,” she says.
Keeping a food diary can help you identify foods that don’t agree with you. Every day, list the foods you eat and any symptoms that occur. Once you pinpoint a food that seems to trigger your symptoms, cut it out of your diet for a couple weeks and see what happens. Then add it back in. If the symptoms went away with its subtraction but return with its addition, you’ve found your culprit.
Small diet tweaks can help your heart and overall health – Harvard Health